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A Three Day Extravaganza Of Activities

WEB Taipei Dragon Boat Festival: A Celebration of Duanwu Culture

A Three-Day Extravaganza of Activities

The Taipei Dragon Boat Festival is an annual three-day extravaganza celebrating the rich cultural heritage of the Duanwu Festival. Held on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, this grand festival is second only to the Chinese New Year in terms of significance.

Beyond Zongzi and Dragon Boat Racing

While the festival is renowned for its traditional delicacies like Zongzi and the thrilling dragon boat races, it also offers a diverse array of activities for visitors to enjoy. From traditional performances and cultural exhibits to family-friendly games and competitions, there's something for everyone at the Taipei Dragon Boat Festival.

Commemorating Qu Yuan

The Dragon Boat Festival is said to have originated as a way to commemorate the death of Qu Yuan, a minister and poet who was accused of treason during the Warring States period. After being unjustly exiled, Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River. In his memory, people threw Zongzi into the river to prevent fish from eating his body.

A Tradition of Rituals

The Dragon Boat Festival has spawned many unique traditions and rituals over the centuries. In addition to eating Zongzi and dragon boat racing, people also hang calamus and wormwood leaves on their doors to ward off evil spirits. They also drink realgar wine, which is said to have medicinal properties.

A Culturally Rich Experience

The Taipei Dragon Boat Festival is an immersive experience that offers visitors a glimpse into the vibrant and colorful culture of Taiwan. From the lively atmosphere to the captivating performances and activities, this festival is a must-see for anyone interested in Chinese culture and traditions.
